Sunday, April 29, 2012


A hard word to think about, right?  It is for me sometimes...guess it's what it is in reference to.  An icky bug...well then it's okay?  A person who has suffered for a very long time and is ready to die?  An unborn baby that is not wanted or an inconvenience?  A wounded animal?  How about a person who is all done living because it is too hard?  Or how about a child who dies way too young?  And then there are the people who have died at the hands of others because of who they are/were.

I am familiar with a few of those scenarios and very thankful that I am not familiar with the others.  When I spend time on the computer I read a LOT about many different things and topics.  I love to read adoption blogs of course!  And it brings me to other blogs of really sick kids that are hanging on for the fight of their life.  Then there are the times that I read about the children that are living hell on earth.  Suffering just because they are different and no one wants them.  (That's another blog post for another day)

My heart aches when I read and think about people and children like that.  Sometimes I just cry and cry and wonder why.  We have had to explain death to our kids because of my grandma dying and Easter came and we re-told them the story of Jesus and his death on the cross.  It has been hard to explain to our kids when people die. We say when Jesus is ready for you.  My grandma was very old when she died and Jesus wanted her then not sooner.  Sometimes Jesus wants little kids or moms and dads...we never know when, but God calls us to live our life the way that He wants us to.  I think the kids get it...most of it anyway.

Hubby and I love history...basically all kinds of history, especially WWII.  He likes the Pearl Harbor side of the war and I like the European  side.  So we share information and learn together.  Last night we watched a movie called The Aryan Couple.  It was based out of Hungary during WWII and was so gripping for us.  (freaked us out when it was done)  People are put to death because of religion and many other excuses every day... because they are different.  Why?  Innocent children, moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and so on.  Why?

Couldn't God have stopped all the killings?  Sure he could, but he also gave man free will and men and women use and abuse their free will all the time.  Sounds like a sad excuse but it is true...I am sure God wept/weeps because of what was/is still happening!

Another thought I have is that there are a few people I know that are dealing with cancer.  Today in church we sat next to a couple whose  husband is dealing with a new diagnosis of Lymphoma.  The wife cried through out the sermon and the worship time.  I prayed for them during the service...I was a bit can this man be sick with a deadly disease?  He is an asset to our church not to mention to his family!  Death is close to him...I know he is ready to see Jesus and dance the streets of gold, but there is sadness of his family losing him.

Why am I going on and on about death?  Because I thought about all the people who don't know about Jesus Christ and what he did for us.  God sent his son as a cute little baby to grow up on earth and be put to death on a cross so that if we believe in him we will have everlasting life.  Wow, it's that simple.  You do not have to do anything to gain salvation, but believe.  Doing kind things and every good thing that you can think of will not get you into heaven!

In the Bible the third book of John Jesus is speaking to a man named Nicodemus about entering the gates of heaven.  In verses 16-18  "For God so, loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.  Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son." 

 And for the believing part it is not just for a moment of believing but a continual belief in Him!   God loves us no matter who we are and what we have done!  When we believe in God we are dead to our old selves!  Meaning God forgives you of all of the wrong things you may have done and may do in the future.  You can not accept God and continue to do wrong things because God will hold you accountable for those things!  To be free and not fear death is a wonderful feeling.  I do not fear death and will be very happy to dance the happy dance in heaven with Jesus!

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