Tuesday, March 10, 2009


How come in life things are so frustrating? This may be whiny, but I am so frustrated I could scream!! I have already cried and cried till my heart is split in two. As you may know Kristina has Cystic Fibrosis and she has a vest treatment that she does. Well, something has not been working correctly, so we have struggled to figure it out. So, this morning I called the company once again! Told the customer service rep through my tears that I was frustrated with what was going on!!!!

So, they are sending a whole new system! Finally!! I refuse to settle for an answer that I know isn't going to work!!!! As, I am sure most parents do. I feel better, not so frustrated. We will get the new system tomorrow afternoon.

I still kinda consider my self like a new mom. Learning everyday about my daughter. Teaching her so many things! It's fun to see her light up when she understands something or does something new! She is a very bright girl. Puzzles are one of her favorite things to do!

Everyday she has school..I home school her as well as my nephew. He has a learning disability, so we work hard at success for him. So, to help him gain confidence I have had him help me with Kristina and her "schooling". Reading her books, helping her count and so on. It has worked well, she gets excited because she sees him working and she wants to do the same thing. :) And, I get to see them blossom. Some days we struggle..but over all it has been wonderful!

We are still in the process of adopting our son..and can't wait to teach him as well!! I am learning so much! Yeah!!! Better go, their lunch break is over.

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