Sunday, January 4, 2009


We just got from my nephew's hockey game. My daughter has now learned to cheer like her mommy!! :) It's the cutest thing. I am so proud! :) She is just glued to the "glass"..I do believe that we will NOT let her play hockey. It's too stressful..not really, just afraid of her getting hurt. When my nephew goes makes tears run from my eyes. Sappy I know...but it's just that he's Auntie's baby. (he is thirteen) And he knows that he will ALWAYS be that! Actually, I feel that way about my niece and nephews! Emmanuel, lives the closest and we were/are involved in his life. I was there at his birth... enough sap!

It is so nice to be able to do things like that as a family and extended family. To be able to support one another.. is pretty cool

Well, my daughter is quite on the excited bad there is so much snow, I would send her to run around the house! :) It gives all something to do...maybe the Vikings would have won if we stayed home? Too bad. Now I have to get activities for tomorrow as we are going to my great uncle's to get him set up for the week. He had a rough day sister called me a couple of times..she was with him. We are praying that he will not suffer.. But, I am thankful that we can talk about how good God is!

1 comment:

Kimberly Gail said...

My daughter played hockey from age 4 to age 8. It's safer than cheerleading! My older son has played since he was 4, he's now 12. Our little one will start in another year. I love hockey but it is harder to watch my son play now that he is old enough that they are allowed to check.